Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Korean ExPat

Welcome to my blog.

I had a blog several years ago about living in Korea, but the infamous "Google Slap" killed it. I just never started it up again, so the past couple of years have gone unrecorded.

I've been encouraged to start blogging again, so here it is with a little different twist.

I have lived in Korea almost continuously since 1987 so I have seen a lot of change in the country, both for the good and the bad. Through this chronicle I will talk about daily experiences, good and bad, of life in a country that is very different than my native America.

People ask me why I chose to live in Korea, and I have to honestly answer "I don't know." Korea was never one of the places I had a desire to visit, in fact, other than the Korean war I knew absolutely nothing about Korea.

I was in Saudi Arabia on another contact, and when it came time to return to the US I decided to visit my sister who was in Korea with her husband. I got here, liked it, and stayed. Perhaps when you read this blog, you will begin to understand why. It's not something I can really put into words, but the fact is, I really like Korea, I enjoy living here, and I plan to stay.

Your questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. I will try to answer questions in future posts, but no guarantees.

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